10 Top Influencers in AI and ML and why you should follow!

10 Top Influencers in AI and ML and why you should follow!

Through social media, anyone can connect and interact with the best minds in the world, learn about new advances in technology, and follow research and processes as they are happening. Interested audiences include teachers, business leaders, scientists, and lay people with an interest in how tech is evolving. As for all fields and industries, social media has created influencers in Machine Learning and AI, spreading the benefits of their expertise to a vast audience that may eventually help bring change through scientific developments and transform the world we live in.

We found 10 Great minds and Influencers of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning who are helping us discover new things in this massive field of data analysis! Without their expertise, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning wouldn’t be the same.

On this listing, you may discover personalities from the global arena of AI. Following them can help you deepen your understanding of AI/ML.

Kirk Borne



Data Scientist Kirk Borne is the First Data Science Fellow at the global technology and consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton. Kirk became a professor of Astrophysics and computational science at George Maison College. He spent almost 20 years supporting records structures for NASA space technology missions.

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Gregory Piatetsky -Shapiro, Ph.D.



President of KDnuggets Gregory Piatetsky is an expert in Business Analytics, Data Mining, and Data Science. He was the Top Voice in Data Science on LinkedIn in 2018, and he has edited numerous books and more than 60 publications.

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Fei-Fei Li



American computer scientist Fei-Fei Li is the inaugural Sequoia Capita Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University and Co-Director of the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence. She is also a Co-Director of the Stanford Vision and Learning Lab.

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Ronald van Loon



CEO of Intelligent World, Analyst, and Influencer Ronald Van Loon, with more than 340,000 across multiple platforms, connects Businesses and professionals with new audiences. He pursuits advancing training and idea leadership in extensive statistics, AI, machine learning.

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Andrew Ng



Computer Scientist, writer, and investor Andrew Ng who specializes in Machine Learning and AI is a professor at Stanford University and co-founder of Coursera and deeplearning.ai. He was Chief Scientist and Former Vise President at Baidu. 


Kai-Fu Lee



Computer Scientist and writer Kai-Fu Lee is CEO of Sinovation Ventures and author of AI Superpowers. He was President of Sinovation’s Artificial Intelligence Institute and former President of Google China. He was a senior executive at Microsoft, SGI, and Apple. Co-chair of the Artificial Intelligence Council at the World Economic Forum.

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Bernard Marr

Bernard Marr


Contributor at Forbes and author of 18 Best-selling books, Bernard Marr, is an era consultant to most of the global’s top enterprises. He helps companies improve their performance by understanding big data and AI’s implications on their companies.

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Geoffrey Hinton

Geoffrey Hinton


Computer Scientist and psychologist Geoffrey Hinton is most noted for his work on artificial intelligence networks. Since 2013, he has been working for Google at the University of Toronto.

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Lillian Pierson

Lillian Pierson


CEO and Data Leader of Data Mania, Lillian Pierson is a world leader, and she has trained well over one million individuals on the topics of AI and Data Science.

She assisted as a global leader in IT, media organizations, and government.


Yann LeCun

Yan Lecun


Yann LeCun is a Computer Scientist working in Machine Learning, computer vision, and computational neuroscience. He is a professor at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at NYU and Vice President, Chief AI scientist at Facebook. In 2018 Yann LeCun received the Turing Award with Yoshua Bengio and Geoffrey Hinton for their work on deep learning.

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