AI Time Journal Interview on Data Science, AI & JADBio

AI Time Journal, a medium that contributes to steering the development of Artificial Intelligence for the benefit of humanity, is conducting the “DATA SCIENCE LEADERS” 2021 series of interviews to share success stories, connect people in AI, and highlight the positive applications of Artificial Intelligence for people and businesses.

In this frame, A.M. Aditya interviewed Professor Ioannis Tsamardinos, CEO & Co-Founder at JADBio. They had an insightful discussion with the latteρ sharing insights on how to get started with data science & AI, how have advances in machine learning accelerated the process of drug discovery, how was JADBio born, and what is the vision of the JADBio platform, the most relevant breakthroughs in data science impacting our world in the last 1-2 years, and what trends he sees emerging going forward.

Data science was not my expertise, so it was an audacious decision, but it turned out exceptionally good for me. There are no regrets.

Ioannis Tsamardinos, CEO at JADBio

He talked about his journey of getting into data science and AI, and at what point he did realize that he wanted to pursue a career in data science. The challenges and how he got into it. He was drawn to AI from a very early age; practically, as soon as he started being serious about computer science in his teenage years. His mind would drift to how humans build intelligent systems. He read the books “Godel, Escher, Bach” and “Mind’s I” and that was a turning point for him: He would become an AI researcher.

According to the Professor, amazing inventions and discoveries are coming up all the time in this very vibrant field. It is hard to separate the most important breakthroughs, but the next best thing in data science and AI is Automated Machine Learning (AutoML).

It can bring machine learning to the hands of everybody and democratize data science. I started my entrepreneurship efforts trying to build a startup offering products that do Causal Discovery; I talked to investors and I got the impression that the market is still immature. So, I founded a start-up on AutoML instead…

Ioannis Tsamardinos, CEO at JADBio

The first attempts for JADBio AutoML go back a long time while he was still a graduate student, and the market wasn’t ready. He and his team won awards at major conferences, but nothing more than that. It was a flop. But, 10 years later, he decided to give it another chance. He got some serious funding, put a business plan in place, and started developing a new independent product, focused on biomedicine, and that’s how JADBio was born. The company’s vision is to empower scientists, organizations, and institutions with correct and high-quality data analysis. This will lead to discovering new science and making evidence-based decisions and policies. But, more than that, they want AutoML to become so accessible that it will enable the participation of the laymen person in the upcoming revolution of a data-based world.

Professor Tsamardinos finished by discussing how data analysis is critical for businesses, if they want to remain competitive. He shared his advice with other business leaders who would like to step into realizing data science use cases, and recommend some resources for young data scientists to tap onto.

Read the full Interview with Ioannis Tsamardinos, CEO & Co-Founder, JADBio at AI TIME JOURNAL.