
Is AutoML the future of Machine Learning?

Khushbu Raval, a technology correspondent for DataTech and MarTech, talks with the CEO and Co-Founder of JADBio, Professor Ioannis Tsamardinos, in a full-length interview about the future of data analysts, machine learning, and automated machine learning (AutoML).

For AutoML, users need to be educated.

Ioannis Tsamardinos, CEO at JADBio

According to Professor Tsamardinos, AutoML is a new set of functionalities, that the market is unfamiliar with using. He discusses AutoML as the future of machine learning, how it is changing the face of ML-based solutions, and the growing demand for improved models to solve new problems. “No one will be programming ML pipelines from scratch in the near future. Just as no one is programming in assembly language these days, except, of course, in special cases and situations. Instead, the data analyst of the future will be customizing AutoML tools”, according to him.

He also talks about the value of available data and the importance of unlocking them to get the most out of them for healthcare companies and life science professionals. AutoML can:
-Drastically improve the productivity and throughput of analyses.
-Directly connect the life scientist to the knowledge in the data. The analyst may help in preparing the analysis, but some AutoML platforms provide such rich, interactive visualizations and interpretations that allow the clinician to explore and comprehend the results of the analysis themselves. The analyst does not have to fully mediate the journey from data to knowledge. That could improve the quality of interpretations as the life scientist has the necessary domain knowledge.
-AutoML can reduce statistical methodological errors that creep into manually coded analyses, at least when AutoML is performed correctly. 

Dr. Tsamardinos talks about JADBio, the robust AutoML platform he co-founded along with Vincenzo Lagani and Pavlos Haronyctakis and how the platform is focused on BioMed and Multi-omics. JADBio marks a new era for data analysis with its distinctive features and its ease of use. “The biggest obstacle in using JADBio is a psychological block by life scientists who may think it’s inconceivable they do state-of-the-art ML analyses. I’d respond: not anymore”, says Ioannis. JADBio handles molecular and clinical data – from small-sample datasets to high-dimensional data, i.e., measuring numerous quantities and guaranteeing correct results. For life scientists, JADBio identifies the features (biomarkers) that are predictive in combination to enable knowledge discovery.

JADBio offers functionalities necessary to life scientists. In biomedicine, knowledge discovery is of primary concern.

Ioannis Tsamardinos, CEO at JADBio

The interview closes with the Professor’s leadership motto, which also describes the company’s culture: Lead by example. Inspire. Make people feel they are working with you, not for you.

Read the full interview, Future Data Analyst Will Be Customising AutoML Tools, via DataTehcVibe.